Western Regional Conference on Child Psychoanalysis

This conference is for clinicians and students interested in child psychoanalysis and child psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Clinicians from the western institutes affiliated with the American Psychoanalytic Association will discuss issues related to child and adolescent psychoanalysis using clinical material from several different cases.
For additional information on registration, or to register, please contact the administrator at SDPC, Michelle Spencer, at 619 454 3102 (sdpc.michelle@gmail.com).
The Western Regional Child Psychoanalytic Conference is an annual event and a collaboration between the Western Psychoanalytic Institutes affiliated with APsA which have training programs in child psychoanalysis. ( San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Denver )

This year's program will be at the:

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center

4455 Morena Blvd,  Suite 202,

San Diego, CA  92117


Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 8:30AM until 9:15AM

Registration and Continental Breakfast - 9:15AM until 9:30AM


Welcome and Greetings:  


Roderick S. Hall, Ph.D.

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center


9:30AM until noon


Presenter: Kevin Udis, Ph.D.  

                 Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis


" I lost my Voice"  Losing and finding a voice in the case of a six year old boy.


This is a case which began early this year and is ongoing.  The child was selectively mute when the analysis began and is now talking. 


Discussant: Rex McGehee, M.D.

                  Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis


Lunch Provided  Noon until 1pm


Saturday Afternoon  1 to 3pm  


Presentation and discussion of an adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy case.

Presenter: Carla Hershman, LICSW, Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Discussant: Elizabeth Waason, Ph.D., Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute.


Saturday Afternoon:  


3:00PM to 3:30PM  


Discussion of the state of Child Psychoanalysis among the Western Institutes.


3:30PM Adjourn and on your own in San Diego for the evening


or Optional pre-dinner event 4:00PM to 6:30PM 


Spend an hour in one of the Museums at San Diego's Balboa Park and then wander the grounds and gardens or have a drink in the lounge at the El Prado.


For more info on Balboa Park go to:




6:30PM Dinner in the Sala del Rey room at El Prado in Balboa Park (This dinner is optional and an additional $100.00 per attendee)




Sunday, October 26, 2014


Continental Breakfast 8:30AM to 9:00AM


9:am Until 11:30AM

Gordon Caras,  Ph.D.

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center


"Surfing Waterways to  Be-Hold Mom Absently Present." 

This is an analysis of a nine year old girl who struggled with enuresis and encopresis. 
Her treatment centered on the effects of derailments that emerged during her early developmental passage.

Discussant:  Roderick S. Hall, Ph.D.

                       San Diego Psychoanalytic Center


11:30AM to 11:45AM 


Wrap-up and Adjourn


Roderick S. Hall, PhD

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center


Registration will be $100.00 for the conference, $50.00 for graduate students, residents, analytic candidates, and students in psychoanalytic psychotherapy programs


Dinner in the Sala del Rey room at El Prado in Balboa Park (This dinner is optional and an additional $100.00 per attendee)


Total Enclosed__________________________


Make checks to:

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center



Name __________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________

E-mail and Cell phone _____________________________________________

Institute ________________________________________________________

Return to:


Michelle Spencer, Administrator

San Diego Psychoanalytic Center

4455 Morena Blvd, Suite 202

San Diego, CA 921117


Questions: Call or e-mail

Michelle Spencer, Administrator, San Diego Psychoanalytic Center  858-454-3102 sdpc.michelle@gmail.com


Roderick Hall, Ph.D. 619-437-0440  rshallphd@gmail.com 



Saturday, October 25, 2014 - 8:30am to Sunday, October 26, 2014 - 8:30am



4455 Morena Boulevard, Suite 202
San Diego, CA 92117
United States
View Map




SDPC members and non-member clinicians: $100
candidates/students/residents: $50

Educational Objective(s)

  • Describe the stages of development of a child and adolescent case.
  • Discuss several typical difficult issues that present themselves during the course of a child or adolescent treatment.
  • Detail how a therapeutic alliance is developed and maintained with parents during the course of a child or adolescent psychoanalysis.
  • Explain how the child psychoanalyst uses the symbolism of play as communication from the child and as a basis for formulating interpretations.